Product Info
Basic & Advanced Periodontal Program - Date: From 26 to 28 December 2024. - Location: Cairo. - Speaker: Dr.Mina Saad. Program Outlines: - How to manage any periodontal defects. - How to diagnose and treat it. - Their causes and treatment methods. - Understanding types of periodontal pockets, how to manage, and treat them. - When and how to perform it. - Addressing the Black Triangle and how to treat it. - Comprehensive understanding and surgical management for root coverage. - Learn to harvest grafts from patients, with professional hands-on workshops to enhance your surgical skills. - When and how to perform these procedures. - Treating anterior alveolar bone loss. - Minimally invasive hard tissue management for better aesthetics. - Resective osseous surgery for bony irregularities and exostosis. - Advanced guided tissue regeneration techniques. Hands-On Workshops (on Sheep’s Head): - Esthetic Crown Lengthening Techniques: Apically positioned flap with ostectomy and/or osteoplasty. - Bone Sounding Technique. - Full Thickness Flaps: Envelope flap & Papilla preservation flap. - Partial Thickness Flaps: Coronally positioned flap & Laterally moved coronally positioned flap. - Minimally Invasive Root Coverage Techniques: Tunneling & VISTA. - Graft Harvesting Techniques: Free gingival and connective tissue grafts (Zucchelli's technique & tuberosity grafts). - Papilla Reconstruction Techniques. - Types of Sutures. - Gingivectomy Procedure. - Gingival Depigmentation Technique. - Minimally Invasive Guided Tissue Techniques. Certifications: - Receive a certificate with credited hours from Dental Spiders. - Accredited certificates with credited hours from: (Extra Fees). - American Dental Association (ADA). - Egyptian Society of Implantology (ESOI). **For further product information , please contact Chat Support**
1 Program