Product Info
Delikit putty eco regular: Characteristics: - Exceptional elastic recovery. - Maintains dimensional stability for up to 3 weeks. - Resistant to tearing. - Biocompatible, even on damaged mucosa. - Reproduces fine details with a resolution of 5 microns. - Highly hydro compatible. Technical data: - Working time: 1'15". - Color: Violet. - Setting time: 3'30". - Shore Hardness. 70. Contents: - 1 x 250 ml Base. - 1 x 250 ml Catalyst. - 2 x Spoons. Delikit light body regular: Features: - Hyper-hydrophilic. - Thixotropic. - Yellow color. - Mixing dosage of 1:1. Benefits: - Can be used for inlays, onlays, and single crowns. - Fast setting Extremely easy to mix. - High resistance to laceration. - Maximum accuracy of detail reproduction. - Very good mechanical properties. - High dimensional stability. - No release of toxic substances during and after light curing. Contents: - 2 x 50 ml Cartridges. - 20 x Tips. - 20 x Intraoral tips. **For further product information, please contact Chat Support**
1 Kit